Highest Quality Parts

Toyota forklift dealers are a one-stop-shop, full service forklift solutions provider.

Need some help? For further assistance or more information, contact your local Toyota Dealer.

Industry Leading Service

Increase your productivity, overall up-time and lifespan of your forklift.

MyToyota Logo

Managing Your Business Online

Toyota understands that managing multiple forklifts in one or various facilities can be challenging, even for the most organized managers. When you own a Toyota forklift, you also gain access to the MyToyota Customer Portal. MyToyota is a one-stop, free-to-use platform designed to help you manage your fleet easily and at the touch of a button. Whether you need to manage equipment across multiple locations or order parts quickly, MyToyota has the capabilities you need to accurately manage your fleet, so you can focus on the productivity of your operation. 

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Comprehensive Data to Push Your Fleet Forward

Meeting customer demands requires more than just industry-leading products and services. You need to ensure your fleet is running at peak performance to meet your business goals. Actionable data, fleet insights, and consultative analysis can help elevate your business to new heights.


Introducing MyInsights through Toyota, now standard on nearly all Toyota forklifts. Ease of enablement, key fleet insights, and a seamless integration with the MyToyota Customer Portal will allow you to analyze material handling performance at your fingertips. 

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Toyota's Promise to You

Toyota 360 Support is our promise to be your full solutions provider from the moment we begin a conversation and throughout the life of your ownership. With Toyota 360, you’ll benefit from an industry-leading two-year parts warranty, support of over 65 dealerships, 3,500+ Toyota Certified Technicians, and a guaranteed 4-hour emergency response time. When you choose Toyota, we have more than your back – we’ve got you covered 360 degrees. 

Quarterly Business Reviews

Strategic Connection

At Toyota, we strive to understand your business goals, as your success is our number one priority. A key activity to help track progress is through quarterly business reviews. These serve as a time to review pertinent metrics to your operational goals, including:


  • Site Visit and Consultation Results
  • Cost-Saving Identification and Countermeasures
  • Utilization Optimization
  • Right Sizing Fleet Mix
  • Replacement Analysis


These quarterly business reviews provide personalized analytics and a reporting experience to ensure Toyota understands your key business goals, and we will continue working together to help you meet them. 

How to Buy

For Pricing, Parts & More, Find a Dealer Near You

Test drive a forklift today at your nearest Toyota Dealer.

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Ready to buy a piece of Toyota equipment? Request a quote now.


Learn more about our forklift financing options.


Browse parts and equipment on the MyToyota Store. 


Toyota solutions to help you tackle any challenge.