Highest Quality Parts

Toyota forklift dealers are a one-stop-shop, full service forklift solutions provider.

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Industry Leading Service

Increase your productivity, overall up-time and lifespan of your forklift.

Bill Finerty

President & CEO

Tony Miller

Senior Vice President of Operations, Engineering & Strategic Planning

Tony Miller

Jaksa Pejnovic

Vice President of Sales & Marketing

jaksa pejnovic headshot

Bret Bruin

Vice President of Aftermarket Operations


Josh Linnemann

Vice President of Engineering

Ryan DeLaney

Vice President of Operations

A professional headshot of Ryan Delaney

Lea Ann King

Vice President of Legal & General Counsel


Dan Klassen

Vice President of New Business Development


Tracy Stachniak

Vice President of Human Resources

Tracy Stachniak

Daniel Schumacher

Vice President of Information Technology

Daniel Schumacher

Cesar Jimenez

VP of Regulatory Affairs, Product Planning, & Product Assurance

professional headshot of white male wearing a black suit jacket and orange tie against a blue background

Bill Bane

Director of Finance & Accounting 

professional headshot of white male wearing a black suit jacket and red/blue tie against a blue background

Bill Byrd

Director of Dealer Development 

professional headshot of white male wearing a black suit jacket and black tie against a blue background

Brian Egloff

Director of Engineering

professional headshot of white male wearing a black suit jacket and blue tie against a blue background

Dan Kossow

Director of Sales for National Accounts & Heavy Duty Division

professional headshot of white male with blonde hair wearing a black suit jacket and blue tie against a blue background