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Understanding Forklift Telemetry for Optimal Fleet Management

Public JPG Toyota Plant General 9
Posted: March 17, 2025
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Have you ever heard the saying, “You can’t manage what you don’t measure?”


To run a successful operation, you need to have reliable equipment that performs well and is able to measure its performance day in and day out.


In today’s competitive landscape, having reliable equipment is only the first piece of the puzzle. You must be able to monitor and manage your operational costs and operator utilization, which is increasingly important for long-term growth.   


While monitoring so many metrics simultaneously may seem daunting, forklift telemetry makes it easy to view and analyze data that can enhance your operation’s long-term success.   


Learn more about forklift telemetry and how it can help you increase your fleet’s performance. 

What is Forklift Telemetry?

Forklift telemetry, commonly known as telematics, is the innovative technology used to monitor and manage your fleet. This system utilizes sensors to collect real-time data that can inform fleet managers of maintenance needs, operator performance, and many other metrics. These insights allow businesses to identify trends and pinpoint areas of improvement. 


Key features of telematics can include: 


        1.  GPS Tracking


GPS tracking provides key insights into the location and utilization of each unit in your fleet. This allows you to understand how your equipment is being utilized and make adjustments to eliminate inefficiencies.  


        2. Impact Detection


These sensors allow for increased visibility into impact events that may lead to potential facility or equipment damage. Additionally, this data can increase operator accountability, further creating a culture of safety in your facility. 


        3. Performance Monitoring

Forklift telemetry also provides insight into your equipment’s route and where you can reallocate under or over-utilized equipment. 


        4. Data Analytics and Reporting


With these powerful telematics tools, you can access comprehensive reports that offer valuable insights in seconds, empowering and enhancing your decision-making. 

How Forklift Telemetry Works

Forklift telemetry collects data in real-time by utilizing Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and/or GPS monitoring to transmit the data from the forklift to an information technology (IT) system, where the data can be analyzed. To collect this data, each forklift requires a DHU (data handling unit), specific hardware programmed on the vehicle that transmits the insights necessary for you to understand your fleet’s performance.


Without telematics, it is difficult for fleet managers and business stakeholders to understand how their operations are performing. The lack of visibility can become very expensive and time-consuming, causing inefficiencies and increased operational costs. 



How Forklift Telemetry Can Increase Fleet Performance

        1.  Monitor Performance Easily 


Forklift telemetry allows you to not only monitor equipment performance metrics such as speed and fuel consumption, but you can also observe your operator’s driving behavior. This way, you can ensure compliance and identify potential training opportunities. 


        2. Schedule Planned Maintenance


Your equipment is only as good as your maintenance plan. Having insight into your fleet allows you to stay up to date on maintenance schedules to minimize downtime and reduce costs.  


        3. Identify Potential Issues Early


Forklift telemetry technology allows you to become proactive instead of reactive. Accessing these insights lets you stay on top of your operation. Warehouse and manufacturing managers can confidently monitor and pivot their operations to increase efficiency and productivity. 


        4. Monitor Costs 


By leveraging forklift telemetry, you remain informed at all times. If you see a decline in profits or ROI, you can dive deeper into the data to determine where you may be falling short.  


As the competitive landscape continues to grow, now is the time to act and harness the power that forklift telematics has to offer. Whether it’s optimizing your fleet’s performance or reducing costs, embracing this technology will be crucial for long-term success.

Toyota’s telematics solution, MyInsights, now comes standard on nearly all Toyota forklifts. With the ease of enablement, key insights, and seamless integration through MyToyota, you can access and analyze your material handling performance in seconds. Learn more by contacting your local, authorized Toyota Dealer.

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