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The Benefits of Using a Single Solutions Provider

Posted: March 03, 2020
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Businesses have traditionally relied on multiple vendors for equipmentservice, and consultation services to keep their operations running. This can be an appealing approach as you can pick and choose the right vendor based on their qualifications and ability to meet your needs. After all, you likely don’t buy your groceries in the same place where you dry clean your clothes, right?


But what if you could? What if you didn’t have to drive to two separate buildings across town for these services? What if you had one main point of contact who could hand you your dry cleaning and the groceries you bought online at the same time? Or what if the person who fixed your cable could also fix that vacuum that hasn’t had proper suction for years?

Single Solution Providers Provide Enhanced Communication

These conveniences translate well to the world of material handling. When you work with multiple vendors, it creates added work, takes more time to communicate between each vendor, and it can prevent you from getting the best solution that takes into account all aspects of your business.


Think about it this way: If you have one company that quotes you a racking system, one that quotes you a forklift, and one that quotes you a conveyor, how can you be sure you are getting the optimal solution? How can you be sure your facility layout is optimized to accommodate all of these separate pieces of equipment? Will these individual pieces of equipment work together more efficiently and productively than if you had chosen one (or more) of those pieces differently?

Combined Benefit of Automation and Convenience

True full-line material handling solution providers:


  • Not only give you added convenience, but they help to optimize every part of your business.
  • They’re experts when it comes to providing integrated systems that optimize space and work flows.
  • They can help you leverage advanced technologies that work harmoniously together for the perfect blend of automated and manual material handling processes.


When it comes to single solution providers, there is none better equipped to handle a wide range of challenges than Toyota. Toyota boasts the largest lineup of material handling solutions that are capable of handling materials at every point in the supply chain. Everything from parcels to pallets to containers can be handled by a Toyota product.


Thanks to the partnership between Toyota Material Handling and Bastian Solutions, a Toyota Automated Logistics Company, Toyota Dealers can also provide fully integrated systems with both automated and manual material handling equipment. Everything from conveyors to AGVs to automated storage and retrieval systems can be quoted through your Toyota dealer. Best of all, these pieces of equipment can also be serviced by the same Toyota Certified Technicians that work on your forklifts.


Having these resources available combined with the knowledge of how they can be integrated into one comprehensive solution is where the real value of a single solutions provider can be realized. You get one point of contact for support and service, AND you get a complete solution that is going to optimize all aspects of your business. It’s truly a win-win situation.


If you’re interested in how these services can benefit you, reach out to your local Toyota dealer today. They probably won’t be able to handle your dry cleaning or fix your faulty vacuum, but a free site survey could put you on the right track to optimizing your business.

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